Wooo mixed berry pie!!

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Nikki here! I, personally, was very excited to make an ENTIRE PIE from scratch. Also, I’ve never blogged before so that’s pretty exciting as well. And now Sara Wu and I can genuinely say we can make pie-who wouldn’t want such skills? Sara and I had a few issues with the crust (there is apparently a very fine line between too little and too much water to be added…we didn’t find that line) in any case, our mixed berry pie turned out rather well I thought. I wasn’t feeling very creative so I let Sara make a nice design on the crust. I also had a lot if fun using my hands to get the job done. To celebrate our crust finally becoming crust-like, Sara and I finished off David’s mince pieĀ  (sooooo freeeeakin goooood). Can’t wait to try everyone else’s! There was also a brief issue with the lemon zest that was going into the filling…there was a lack of zesting utensils as well as a lack of knives suitable for mincing lemon peel (thanks to Dave for his problem solving skills, we may not have made it otherwise), but we finally came through (don’t worry, unusually large chunks of lemon peel are indeed edible). The final step, the actual baking of the pie, was easy; our outer rim browned a bit more than the rest of the pie but it still looks pretty (which is all that matters anyway). If anyone is obsessed with berries and pie, this one’s for you! Hurray for week one! Over and out.

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