Pear mincemeat pie, in progress…

Never made a mincemeat pie before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve had mincemeat pie in probably 30 years or more, not since some childhood Christmas vaguely remembered. But as soon as I smelled the mince as it began stewing, a flood of childhood memories came back and I knew that this was precisely what Christmas was supposed to smell like!


That’s homemade mince there: pears, dried Turkish apricots, dried currants, golden raisins, sliced almonds, orange and lemon peel, brown sugar, spices (nutmeg cloves ginger cinnamon) and brandy. No suet in this one, will try that another time.

20131225-mincemeat-pie-2…and a little autumnal decoration (yes fine it’s winter, I know. Stupid rain melted all the snow right before Christmas anyway…)

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