Invisible cities of social networks

Invisible Cities
A project by Christian Marc Schmidt & Liangjie Xia

By revealing the social networks present within the urban environment, Invisible Cities describes a new kind of city—a city of the mind. It displays geocoded activity from online services such as Twitter and Flickr, both in real-time and in aggregate. Real-time activity is represented as individual nodes that appear whenever a message or image is posted. Aggregate activity is reflected in the underlying terrain: over time, the landscape warps as data is accrued, creating hills and valleys representing areas with high and low densities of data.

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Visual analysis of Rebecca Black’s Friday

This is terribly silly, but also an excellent example of a way of mapping a passage of text, with external factors (the “memetic significance” of various passages, i.e. “How much did was that particular section mocked in the internet/YouTube/pop cultural arena?”) taken into account and given visual expression.