Windows 8 – First Impressions …

Windows 8 is an interesting new windows version. Microsoft says this is “a whole new way to use Windows” and they aren’t kidding!

For long-time windows users it is quite disorienting at first glance. Just getting logged in presents a challenge of figuring out how to raise the “window shade” on the login window. Once logged in, you are offered the helpful “Start” window. Clicking on one of these presumably often used applications launches that app in a full screen. This then presents the challenge of figuring out how to get back to the “Start” window. Also, after clicking on several applications figuring out how to close those apps which you know are still running in the background is yet one more hurdle. No, there is not an “Exit” function anywhere to be found in those running apps.

From a new windows user perspective, I suppose, the interface is slick. All the confusing computer control functions like the Control Panel and Computer Preferences are so buried that you can only find them if you know they are there and have some clue as to where to look for them. Also, the new windows 8 applications like Reader have slicked down interfaces in full screens with features and options hidden. Other applications like Windows Explorer has the same “ribbon” interface that has become common in applications like Microsoft Word, etc. This, presumably, all makes the new Windows 8 interface more consistent and coherent to individuals that just want to get some work done.

For several “Getting Started” videos, have a look at:

For a bit more advanced information, try:

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