Software – Endnote Deployment


Like other software, you need to run a utility program supplied by the vendor “Admin.exe” to convert the installer to the deploy-able site-licensed version of the installer.  To get the folder see the web site at:

After adding the license data and creating a new installer, you can install this with the following command:

msiexec.exe /passive /i EN20Inst.msi INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\EndNote” FFTUSEOPENURL=T FFTOPENURLRESOLVER=

This command installs EndNote With the correct Find Full text Url preset for all users.


  1. Make sure Microsoft Word is already installed
  2. Install EndNote from vendor supplied, Williams’ licensed dmg
  3. Create a Preference file for the Find Full Text URL
    1. defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist openURLPath
  4. Open EndNote – To Add EndNote menu to Microsoft Word
    1. Run “Customizer” and select CWYW then  install
  5. Using Jamf Composer or any other package tool, package:
    1. /Apllications/EndnNote 20
    2. /Library/Preferences/com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist
    3. /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/EndNote CWYW Word 16.bundle


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