Like other software, you need to run a utility program supplied by the vendor “Admin.exe” to convert the installer to the deploy-able site-licensed version of the installer. To get the folder see the web site at:
After adding the license data and creating a new installer, you can install this with the following command:
msiexec.exe /passive /i EN20Inst.msi INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\EndNote” FFTUSEOPENURL=T FFTOPENURLRESOLVER=
This command installs EndNote With the correct Find Full text Url preset for all users.
- Make sure Microsoft Word is already installed
- Install EndNote from vendor supplied, Williams’ licensed dmg
- Create a Preference file for the Find Full Text URL
- defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist openURLPath
- Open EndNote – To Add EndNote menu to Microsoft Word
- Run “Customizer” and select CWYW then install
- Using Jamf Composer or any other package tool, package:
- /Apllications/EndnNote 20
- /Library/Preferences/com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist
- /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/EndNote CWYW Word 16.bundle