JAMF – Create Mac OS to deploy

To create an OS package to deploy one could:
1) download the OS installer from the App Store
2) this will put the installer in the /Applications folder
3) once the installer is completely downloaded it will start automatically so “quit” the installer from the file menu
4) Open AutoDMG and drag the installer from the /Applications folder to the AutoDMG window.
5) Add applications like GarageBand, iMovie, Keynote, Numbers, and Pages which are pre-installed on all new Macs but are left out of the Mac OS installer for some reason
6) Build the configuration to save the DMG file
7) Open Casper Admin and drag that DMG file into the window
8) Set the package priority to 1 so it installs first
9) Create a new configuration with this OS install and other things like casper enrollment

A helpful website with pictures is available at:

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