To umount a Macintosh volume at start-up (for example the windows bootcamp volume) you can create a startup item …
Create a directory “Unmount” in that directory you want to put 2 files:
Unmount file is a shell script with the following contents:
. /etc/rc.common
if [ “$1” == “start” ]
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount /dev/diskXXX
The /dev/diskXXX in this file you need to change. My unmount command is actually …
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount /dev/disk0s3
To find the correct information for your system run the command:
“diskutil info /Volumes/Windows/” —- or whatever the volume name is …
in the output you need to look for the “Device Node” . Whatever it says for that Device Node is what you should put in the Unmount command in the shell script above.
StartupParameters.plist is a plist file that contains:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”
<plist version=”1.0″>
<string>Try to unmount the old disk</string>
After creating the files, chmod them so that they are:
-rw-r–r– StartupParameters.plist
-rwxr-xr-x Unmount
Also, I set the owner and group to “root” and “wheel” respectively to match the other items in the /Library/StartupItems directory … (“chown -R root /Library/StartupItems/Unmount/” and “chgrp -R wheel /Library/StartupItems/Unmount/”)
For additional details see: