Category Archives: kyoto

1/12/17: Fushimi Inari and Ginkaku-ji

On our free day, Kyrien, Louisa, Ayami and I decided to visit Fushimi Inari and Ginkaku-ji. We began at Fushimi Inari, a temple famous for its thousands of red gates. Feeling sporty (and admittedly having a poor understanding of the … Continue reading

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Day Three: Fushimi-Inari and Ginkakuji

January 12th, 2017 Wow! What a fun day we had today! Since the class had the day off from official course business, we were free to plan our own itinerary for the day, and I definitely better appreciate the careful … Continue reading

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Meditation in motion

Starting out the morning with a run by the river set the tone for the day. I think that running outside is a nice way to connect to a new environment because you can see more than when you’re walking around, but … Continue reading

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Day 3: Solo in Kyoto

Today was the day everyone decided to group up and go to see whatever they wanted to in Kyoto. I went off by myself since I woke up late, but it turned out to be a great time (despite my … Continue reading

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Day 3: Ginkakuji and the Philosophers Path

Today Carl, Ayami, Louisa, and I went to Ginkaku-ji and Fushimi-Inari. Although we didn’t it, the two temples were great contrasts to each other. Fushimi-inari is a temple at the the base of a large mountain. It has large orange … Continue reading

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A Change of Pace

Today was our day off, and so a few of us decided to take a break from exploring temples and instead go on more everyday adventures. First, we visited the home of Kawai Kanjiro, a famous deceased potter who lived … Continue reading

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Jan 11th – Buddhist Statue Making

Miyamoto-san gave us quite a view into his life and work today, for which I’m really appreciative. The refinement, skill, dedication and creativity with which he designs builds and reconstructs works is impressive–and results in quite a sight to behold. … Continue reading

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Day 2: Buddhist Sculpture and 天龍寺 (Tenryū-ji)

On our second day, we took the bus out to the end of one of the lines, stopping in Arashiyama, and leaving the more densely packed area of Kyōto for one more reminiscent of a town; our first stop here … Continue reading

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Miyamoto-san, Tenryu-Ji, and Markets

Today was another full and rewarding day. We started out with a fascinating visit to the Buddhist sculptor Miyamoto-san. He told us how he makes the sculptures (with over 150 tools!), what his personal philosophy and goals are, and what … Continue reading

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1/11/17: Miyamoto-san’s Workshop

Today we toured Miyamoto-san’s workshop in Arashiyama. He creates and repairs wooden Buddhist statuary. While his craft is defined by many hundreds of years of technique and protocol, Miyamoto-san strives to innovate. He explained his desire to reach an ever-larger … Continue reading

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