DUE Friday Sept 30 & Monday Oct 3
Each of you will read a different book on topics related to Maps and Mapping. You have 3 weeks. Pull excerpts and make annotations on the text and report back to class as a whole on what interested them.
Write a synopsis of the book, including a sample chapter or collection of passages from the text that highlight the things you found most interesting (both to yourself personally, and in the context of this class and the performance we are creating) for the rest of the class to read. Maximum 15 single-spaced pages. Feel free to include illustrations, annotations, marginalia and/or Talmudic glosses. The Department xerox machine can be used to make PDFs from scans of the pages of your book, or you can use the machines in the libraries to do the same.
Attach a PDF of your synopsis to a post titled “Book Reports / <your name>, with the category “assignments turned in”. This is due by 7pm on Friday, Sept 30. Over the weekend, read your classmates’
synopses as preparation for Monday’s class.
Also for Monday’s class (Oct 3) prepare an “Illustrated Lecture” on your book for the whole class, using visual aids, props, and plenty of personal flair. This should be rehearsed in advance, somewhere in the borderlands between lecture and performance. 5-10 minutes in length.