Williams insight

Williams College's Financial Publication

All Small Businesses Lead to… Square?

by Saamia khan Up until late last year, Square (SQ) enjoyed massive growth in its share price in 2018; reaching a peak of nearly $100/share in late September, its share price quickly plummeted nearly 50% to $51/share by late December. Square’s mobile payment processing apps, credit card readers, small business organizational tools, and even a Read more about All Small Businesses Lead to… Square?[…]

Our Game Plan for Trading a Volatile 2019

By Jack Brady Now that the dust has settled and we’re back at school, we here at Williams Insight are publishing our “gameplan,” so to speak, for trading a volatile 2019. Think of this as our macro-view, and how we plan to trade developments in financial markets. The difficult part about publishing beginning-of-the-year pieces is Read more about Our Game Plan for Trading a Volatile 2019[…]

Ford: Buy for the Value, Keep for the Dividend [Sold]

By David Shakirov UPDATE 04/29/2019: After a run up from $7.60 (original publication of article) to $10.20 (as of 03/29/2019) — a 37% dividend-adjusted gain — the author recommends selling Ford stock due to macroeconomic concerns, including a late cycle position, geopolitical risks, and recession risk. This books a significant capital gain of 37%, or Read more about Ford: Buy for the Value, Keep for the Dividend [Sold][…]

Micron: Finally A Value Stock? [Sold]

By David Shakirov   UPDATE 03/21/2019: After a rise in the stock after earnings on 03/21/2019, I recommend to unload shares at $43.50, booking a 27.5% gain. An uncertain semiconductor supply/demand dynamic and higher valuation results in a more subpar risk/reward ratio. However, the gain booked from this article is an impressive 15% above the Read more about Micron: Finally A Value Stock? [Sold][…]