Monthly Archives: December 2016

Finding Truths N Hood Fiction

RJ Shamberger Is race nothing more than a lived fiction? Or does race matter at all? I didn’t always know… Continue reading »

Peace, Love, Empathy, and Capitalism: The Commodification of the Grunge Movement

In October of 1993, two years after the release of their debut album, Ten, Eddie Vedder appeared on the cover… Continue reading »

It’s Rebellion Actually

America’s culture is distinctive because of its adolescent nature. From our usurpation against our mother country until now, our culture… Continue reading »

Racial Undertones in Pop Culture and their Divisive Impact on Viewers

Happy Feet seems to be a pleasing and lighthearted children’s film about bravery and independence. The film tells a story… Continue reading »

Mean Girls and Male Dominance in Feminism

Among millennials, Mean Girls is one of the most well-known films of the past decade. It’s written by the highly-acclaimed… Continue reading »

Inception, Gender Politics, and Perspective: Answering the Masculine Malaise

Christopher Nolan’s filmography seems “driven by a deep-seated desire to satisfy the so-called ‘masculine malaise’, in which it will be… Continue reading »

Chance the Rebel

Grammy nominations and winners are widely debated and argued year after year. Someone is always left out and someone undeserving,… Continue reading »

Little Charlie Bucket, Our Savior

If we look beyond the colorful fields of edible grass and chocolate rivers in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, we might… Continue reading »

Harry Potter: More About Race Than You Thought

Here is what I thought I knew about Harry Potter: everything. I have read every book and can quote every… Continue reading »

All Eyes on X-(wo)men

Superman, Batman, Captain America, Spider-man, Iron Man…The superhero franchise has long been dominated by male heroes who fight against male… Continue reading »