Williams Students,
Is it just me or do the squirrels always seem to get crazy this time of year? One literally jumped at me from behind a trashcan today. Not Cool.
One thing is for sure: Fall is here. This is the time of year when we seem to be living in a postcard. You better work!
Also, while Mountain Day may be over, we can still have Mountain Moments-times when you throw away the book, spill the lab chemicals down the drain, step on a cat, and leave that library carol in exchange for a private moment between you and the world around you: Take a walk and get intimate.
Meanwhile, your student government representatives have been working furiously to keep this school’s lip gloss poppin’. Even though Council has only met twice, we have been able to accomplish a number of things.
Please see the list below of exactly what we’ve done as part of our monthly State of the Union email.
Council’s big focus this semester is going to be the divide between athletes and non-athletes at Williams. This is a complicated issue that exists throughout all aspects of Williams’ life.
We want to hear your thoughts.
Ifiok and I have experienced both sides of this divide, and it is an issue that we are committed to addressing. Our goal is not to have all athletes and non-athletes standing around a campfire, holding hands, and singing Kumbayaa. But we want to get the conversation started. So if you have an opinion, please email us.
As always, our Council meetings are open to everyone every time, so feel free to drop by. We meet Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the basement of Hopkins.
-If and Manny
Your Presidents
Things That We Have Done
Bike Share Program:
• We have examined the trial period for the Bike Share Program and are working to expand it and open it out to the whole student body. In order to do that it is very important that All BIKES TAKEN OUT ARE RETURNED TO THE BIKE RACKS IN PARESKY BY Friday, October 15 at Midnight. ALL students with unreturned bikes will be CHARGED $50.
Health Center Prescription Drugs:
• We worked with the Health Center to develop a system allowing students to pick up prescription drugs at the Health Center. Special thanks to Ruth Harrison and the Dean’s Office for the work they have done on this.
Greylock and Dodd:
• Dodd is officially open to be reserved on EMS Room Reserve by any student. We are close to getting an agreement on how Greylock will be able to be used. You can reserve a room from the College Council website.
Textbook Reserve:
• We have identified the books that are out of date (i.e. Psychology 101) and are buying new books to be put on reserve on the libraries.
Dining Services:
• We have met with the heads of Dining Services to think of ways to adjust to new system. We’ve discussed everything from the long lines to menu options (such as scrambled eggs at Whitmans’ breakfast) and everything in between.
Approved Seven New Clubs:
• Students for Israeli Perspectives
• Williams College Democrats
• Ceramics Club
• Eph Business Association
• Aristocows- Disney A Capella Group
• Students for a Just and Stable Future
• Williams Sustainable Developers
New Liaison to the Zilkha Center:
• Zach Evans ’12 has been appointed the new Liaison to the Zilkha Center. One of the first things he will be working on is improving the system for student organizational printing.
Historical Dragon Bench
• Wood hand engraved bench that once resided in Agard has been restored and will now be placed in the Student Activities Resources Center on the second floor of Paresky until the new Sawyer-Stetson Library is built.
FREE Arcades in Downstairs of Paresky
• We have worked out a deal to make sure that the arcades downstairs are free for everyone to enjoy. No need to carry quarters with you.
Winter Break Housing for International Students
• International students were not satisfied with the options for housing during Winter Break so we are moving to a service trip model with will give students an opportunity to do community service.
CC Constitution
• Thanks all those who voted in the last election, we were able to update to our constitution to make it more current to College Council’s current structure by making eight amendments to it.
New York Times
• We worked out an agreement with Campus Life to explore options to continue the delivery of the NY Times to Paresky.
Things We Are Working On
Athlete/ Non-Athlete Divide
• Beginning conversations with students, coaches, and administrators.
Tent Parties
• Exploring possibilities of establishing agreement with town to have certain days a year where Tent Parties will not be broken up by noise complaints.
Sailing Team
• Working with Sailing Team to find an equitable solution to their need for new boats.
Social Calendar
• We have appointed Izzy Griffin Smith to be the official student in charge of sending out the Social Calendar to the whole student body every Thursday afternoon. If you are throwing any registered event and want it advertised in the Social Calendar send her an email at [email protected].
Enterprise Car Rentals
• Working with Enterprise to make it easier for students groups to be able to rent cars, especially students under 21 years of age.