Hello, friends!

Without further ado, we present your newly-elected College Council and Honor and Discipline Committee members.

1,128 (52.4%) Williams students voted in this election, a 22% increase from last year’s Fall turnout. Thank you for participating, and please know that CC will continue working hard to make your college experience better. You do not need to be a member of College Council to initiate a campus improvement project. We will gladly help and/or serve as a resource to you in your endeavors.

College Council and Honor and Discipline Committee are excellent ways to get involved, but there are many more opportunities to be the change you wish to see. Click here for a list of student groups at Williams.

Questions? kmp3 or pjs1
Looking for something? collegecouncil.williams.edu

SuperFan? Join the Facebook movement (football game vs. Trinity, 1:30pm, TOMORROW! Bring $5 for a sweet pair of SF sunglasses)

No Wednesday night plans? Stop by a CC meeting, from 7-9pm in Hopkins 001. All are welcome.

We are so proud to represent you.

Krista Pickett and Peter Skipper
CC Presidents

C O L L E G E   C O U N C I L   R E S U L T S

Assistant Treasurer:
Emily Dzieciatko

Class of 2013 Representatives (3):
*Liz Visconti, elected Spring 2012, will continue her term.
Laura Calloway
Katie Holmes
Kristen Sinicariello

Class of 2014 Representatives (3):
*Emily Calkins, elected Spring 2012, will continue her term.
Ben Fischberg
Brian McGrail
Gulya Radjapova

Class of 2015 Representatives (3):
*Ben Augenbraun, elected Spring 2012, will continue his term.
Erica Moszkowski
Kirby Neuner
Michael Williams

Sage Hall Representative:
Jessica Bernheim

Williams Hall Representative:
Jesús Espinoza

Armstrong- Pratt Representative:
Corey Michon

Mills-Dennett Representative:
Matt McNaughton
H O N O R   &   D I S C I P L I N E   C O M M I T T E E

Class of 2013 (2):
James Elish
Erica Wu

Class of 2014 (2):
Sam Tripp
Kate Flanagan

Class of 2015 (2):
Eduard Ciobanu
Tyler Sparks

Class of 2016 (2):
Ahmad Green-Hayes
Cinnamon Williams