June 15, 2020

Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee

Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee Description:

The Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee meets 2-4 times/year to review nominations that have been submitted by any members of the Williams community for likely candidates to receive Honorary Degrees at Commencement.  We then submit our running list of possible candidates to the Board of Trustees (by way of the Chair of the Trustee Committee on Degrees, who is co-chair of the HDAC.)

Student Members of Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee:


Complete Membership of Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee:

Nine Students;

Co-chair Vidisha Patel (Chair of the Trustee Committee on Degrees);

Co-chair Lee Park (Professor of Chemistry and College Marshal);

Leticia Haynes (VP for Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion);

Valerie Bailey Fischer (Chaplain to the College);

Gina Puc (Special Assistant to the President); and

Three Faculty

You can find more information on the Honorary Degrees Advisory Committee’s website.