June 15, 2020

Committee on Educational Affairs (CEA)

CEA Committee Description:

The Committee on Educational Affairs evaluates and implements changes in the curriculum of the College, graduate and undergraduate. It recommends educational policy to the faculty and maintains college-wide oversight of the curriculum on an annual basis. All additions or deletions of courses, majors, and programs, all substantial changes in course descriptions, and all changes in major requirements are reviewed by the CEA. The CEA assesses these and other new curricular initiatives and solicits the input of both the CPC and the CAP before bringing them to the faculty for approval. (Chair serves on TABLE)

Student Members of CEA:

2024-2025 Student-Faculty Membership Student Placements

Complete Membership of CEA:

Seven Faculty;


Dean of the College;

Dean of the Faculty;

Associate Dean of the Faculty;

Registrar; and

Six Students

You can find more information on CEA’s website.