June 15, 2020

Campus Environmental Advisory Committee (CEAC)

CEAC Committee Description:

The Campus Environmental Advisory Committee acts as a forum for communication among students, faculty, staff, and administrators on environmental matters; advises and works to develop policy on matters of environmental stewardship in the operation of the College; assists in developing relevant environmental resources and strategies for Williams; and fosters a sense of shared environmental responsibility among various constituencies and individuals on campus. (Chair serves on TABLE)

Student Members of CEAC:

Oscar Newman, Class of 2025 (Student Chair)


Complete Membership of CEAC:

Three faculty;

Director of Facilities Management;

Director of Design and Construction;

Director of Dining Services;

Director of the Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives;

Chief Technology Officer;

Director of the Center for Environmental Studies; and

Three students


You can find more information on CEAC’s website.