Research Articles

Are there any articles we're missing? Send us suggestions, whether in English or another language, by emailing Chrispine at crl2 (at) williams (dot) edu, and we'll put them up!

Our Latest Recommendations

Article: “Poverty and Witch Killing”

In this study, Edward Miguel analyzes the relationship between witch killings and extreme weather that particularly affects the livelihoods of the poor in Tanzania. What he finds suggests that witch killings might be related to the desperation people feel when things go wrong.

Article: “Corruption, Norms and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets”

This clever study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel explored how “culture” affected whether or not diplomats from other countries obeyed parking rules in Manhattan.

Prof. Ashraf recommends: “Replication Redux: The Reproducibility Crisis and the Case of Deworming”

In this article, Owen Ozier of the World Bank examines the difficulty of reproducing the results of seminal experiments through the example of the debate around mass deworming interventions.

Optional Reading: “The Power of Survey Design”

This text has been recommended as optional reading for the CDE spring elective, Program Evaluation.

Course Text: “Methods of Household Consumption Measurement through Surveys: Experimental Results from Tanzania”

This article has been assigned as required reading in the CDE spring elective, Program Evaluation.

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