
We get really excited about books recommended to us by our friends.

If you have any suggestions for new books to put on our shelves or our Kindles, whether in English or another language, let us know by emailing crl2 (at) williams (dot) edu, and we'll put up a post here on the website to share with the rest of the gang!

Our Latest Recommendations

Course Text: Public Finance and Public Policy

This is a required course text for the CDE core course “Public Economics.”

Course Text: Real Econometrics

This book has been used as the primary course text for ECON 502, Econometrics, taught by Prof. Swamy. ECON 502 is a core CDE course.

Course Text: The Analysis of Household Surveys: A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy

This text is required reading for the CDE spring elective, Program Evaluation.

Course Text: Mastering Metrics

This is a supplemental text for Program Evaluation.

Course Text: Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide

This is the required text for the CDE Course Program Evaluation

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