Audio: “Achieving Inclusive Growth in Asia”

VoxDev’s Tim Phillips talks with Yasuyuki Sawada, the Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), about how the objectives and challenges of the ADB have changed in the past half-century as Asian economies have developed and altered how they interact with the rest of the world.

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Audio: Is Aid Effective?

VoxDev talks Tim Phillips hosts Stefan Dercon of Oxford’s Blavatnik School about how he envisions making aid effective in a world where the most certain bang for aid bucks might not be where the dollar would be most useful.

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Podcast: “Multinational Enforcement of Labor Laws”

In this VoxDev talks, Laura Boudreau from Columbia Business School talks about a recent experiment she ran in Bangladesh with multinational buyers in the garment sector and how their involvement changed compliance with safety regulations on the part of Bangladeshi suppliers.

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