

  1. Diffusion of Reproductive Health Behavior through International Migration: Effects on Origin-Country Fertility, (with Caroline Theoharides). Current version: September 2023. Revise and Resubmit at American Economic Review.
  2. Agricultural Support Services in Malawi: Direct Effects, Complementarities and Time Dynamics, (with Kate Ambler and Alan de Brauw). Current version: December 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Development Economics.
  3. Can survey design reduce anchoring bias in recall data: Evidence from Malawi, (with Manuel Hernandez and Cynthia Paz). Current version: August 2024. Revise and Resubmit.
  4. Poverty and Corporal Punishment, (with Mo Alloush and Emily Conover). Current version: July 2024.
  5. Rural Labor Market Responses to Large Lumpy Cash Transfers: Evidence from Malawi, (with K. Ambler and A. de Brauw). (Current Draft: December 2018)
  6. Lump-sum Transfers for Agriculture and Household Decision Making, (with K. Ambler and A. de Brauw). (Current Draft: January 2019)
  7. Information Asymmetries and Remittance Recipient Income: A Field Experiment in Malawi, (with Kate Ambler). IFPRI Working Paper. Current version January 2021.


  1. Locking Crops to Unlock Investment: Experimental Evidence on Warrantage in Burkina Faso. (with C. Delavallade). Journal of Development Economics, January 2023, vol. 160.
  2. Follow the leader? A field experiment on the mechanism underlying social influence. (with K. Ambler and M. Recalde). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. August 2021, pp. 1280-1297.
  3. Earned and unearned income: Experimental evidence on expenditures and labor supply in Malawi. (with K. Ambler). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, July 2021, pp. 33-44.
  4. Cash Transfers and Crop Production in Senegal, World Bank Economic Review, vol. 34(3) October (2020): pp. 597-617. (with Kate Ambler and Alan de Brauw.
  5. Employment Risk and Job-Seeker Performance, Journal of Human Resources, Winter 2020, vol. 55(1): pp. 194-239.
  6. Employment Exposure: Employment and Wage Effects in urban Malawi, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2020, vol. 68(2): pp. 471-506.
  7. Anchoring bias in recall data: Evidence from Central America, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018, vol. 100(2): 479 – 501. (with Michael Murphy and Manuel Hernandez).
  8. Measuring postharvest losses at the farm level in Malawi, Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 2018, vol. 62(1):139 – 160. (with Kate Ambler and Alan de Brauw).
    • Won best AJARE paper award in 2018. Working Paper version: IFPRI DP #01632.
  9. Responding to Risk: Circumcision, Information and HIV Prevention, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016, vol. 98(2):333-349. (with Alister Munthali and Rebecca Thornton).
  10. Does a ban on informal health providers save lives? Evidence from Malawi, Journal of Development Economics, 2016, vol. 118(1):112-132. (with Edward Okeke).
  11. Doing Wrong to do Right? Social Preferences and Dishonest Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, vol. 106 (Oct): 124-139. (with Edward Okeke).
  12. The Demand for Medical Male Circumcision, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2014, vol. 6(2). (with Jobiba Chinkhumba, and Rebecca Thornton).
  13. Learning from Others’ HIV Testing: Updating Beliefs and Responding to Risk, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2013, vol. 103(3): 439-444.
  14. Peer effects in learning HIV results, Journal of Development Economics, 2012, vol. 97(1): 118-129. (with Rebecca Thornton).
  15. Social Networks, Employment and Worker Discouragement: Evidence from South Africa, Labor Economics, 2010, vol.17: 336 – 344. (with Justine Burns and Malcolm Keswell).
  16. The Impact of Health on Poverty: Evidence from the South African Integrated Family Survey, South African Journal of Economics, 2005, vol. 73(1). (with Malcolm Keswell).


  1. Medical Male Circumcision: How does price affect the risk-profile of take-up?, Preventive Medicine, 2016, Nov; 92:68-73. (with Rebecca Thornton).
  2. Geospatial Analysis of Condom Availability and Accessibility in Urban Malawi, International Journal of STD and AIDS, 2016, Jan vol. 27(1):44-50. (with E. Schacham, J. Gilliland, R. Murphy, and R. Thornton)
  3. What do people actually learn from public Health Campaigns? Incorrect inferences about male circumcision and Female HIV Infection Risk Among Men and Women in Malawi. Aids and Behavior, 2015, vol. 19(7):1170-1177. (with B. Maughan-Brown, A. Venkataramani, and R. Thornton.
  4. Behavioral Economics in Reproductive Health Initiative Blog (September 2014).
  5. Perceptions of Male Circumcision among Married Couples in Rural Malawi, Journal of the International Association of Providers of Aids Care, 2015, Sept vol. 13(5):443-9. (with E. Schacham and R. Thornton).


Norms Transmission through Migration (with Caroline Theoharides)

Small Mechanisation Impact Stimuli in Ethiopia (with Mesay Gebresilasse and Moti Jaleta), fieldwork ongoing.

The value of value chains: An Experiment linking Farmers’ Cooperatives with a Maize Processor in Rwanda, (with Shilpa Aggarwal, Jon Robinson, and Alan Spearot), fieldwork ongoing.