Role of Funding Facilitator

  • The shortest description of the Funding Facilitators is the “TA” of budgets.
  • There are five Funding Facilitator positions on FAST:
    • (1) Student that is affiliated with Club Sports and Competitive Teams;
    • (1) Student that is affiliated with Performance Groups;
    • (1) Student that is affiliated with a Minority Coalition group;
    • (2) Student member(s)-at-large.
  • Funding Facilitators are responsible for:
    • Assisting treasurers of RSOs and students receive funding. This is primarily through helping them draft their budgets/funding requests during “office hours” and accessing other money on campus (Academic Departments, the DC, Dean’s We hope to see your application!
    • Office, etc.)
    • Holding two meetings per week, half of which will be spent as office hours for RSOs and students to receive help writing budgets.
    • Keeping a publicly accessible record of all budget requests, annual budgets, approvals & denials.
    • Helping draft and oversee the approval of annual budgets submitted by RSOs each spring.
  • All funding facilitators will be compensated for their work and time with an $800.00 stipend each semester starting in the fall.
  • Since College Council and FinCom are dissolving on March 1st, the funding facilitators elected this year will oversee the remainder of the budget for the fiscal/academic year 2019-2020, as well as the entirety of the budgeting process for fiscal/academic year 2020/2021.