Current Students
The 27 CDE fellows of 2020 hail from 24 countries, spanning the globe from Myanmar to Peru and passing through the Kyrgyz Republic.
They've been working hard this year, and have been managing life in the new residential hall as the first class to enjoy a year in the new building. Still, they've also been dealing with transition and change as the CDE building is still under construction.
Below we've included the "CDE Facebook" for 2020. If you see someone from your country you haven't met in person, search for them on Facebook to say hi, or email an administrator to ask for their email information. Young alums, often in the early years of their careers, would surely appreciate reaching out to make a connection. You can also head to EphLink, Williams College's new mentoring and networking site, to create an account and meet other alums and current students there.
If nothing else, you'll always have the cold to talk about!