Professors' Picks

Williams professors select the best of what's come across their desks so you can stay up-to-date with the latest research, opportunities, and resources.

Prof. Gibson recommends this podcast on “Sweatshops”

In this EconTalks podcast episode, Russ Roberts discusses sweatshop labor, and how people evaluate where to work, with Chris Blattman of the University of Chicago.

Prof. Bakija recommends this book: Economics in the Age of Covid-19

This book on the economic impacts of Covid-19, by Joshua Gans, is a work in progress. The book will evolve as our knowledge about the virus and our reactions to it change. Despite the ongoing nature of the project, the MIT Press has opened up access to an early version to facilitate the flow of knowledge and sharing of information during these unusual times.

Prof. Shore-Sheppard recommends this blog post on “What Are We Estimating When We Estimate Difference-in-Differences?”

Professor Shore-Sheppard recommends this World Bank blog post from Pam Jakiela, an incoming member of the Williams faculty, that discusses the finer details of just what “differences in differences” means. If you’re missing your 502/503 lectures, or just want a refresher of your econometric methods, this post provides a great description.

Prof. Gibson Recommends: This Podcast Episode on “Chickens, Cash, and Development Economics”

In this EconTalks podcast, economist Chris Blattman discusses the trade-offs between giving people in parts of Africa cash versus chickens, and how they used randomized controlled trials to find out which was more effective for helping people.

Prof. Jacobson recommends this podcast on “Oil Markets in the Time of Covid-19”

Professor Jacobson recommends this podcast episode on Resources in which Amy Meyers Jaffe, the United States director of the program on energy security and climate change at the Council on Foreign Relations, discusses recent changes to the oil markets.

Prof. Godlonton Recommends: Free Books on Data and Machine Learning!

Who doesn’t like free books? The publisher Springer has released a list of 408 books that it’s making free, gratis, gratuitos, available in pdf or epub format. Of those, there are 65 on data and machine learning. Check ’em out if you’re looking to beef up your data skills.

Prof. Godlonton Recommends: Request for Exploratory Research Grants

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries has put out a request for proposals for 12-month research grants. They particularly encourage proposals using administrative data. The deadline is June 30th, so get your materials ready if you’d like to request for some funds to work on that question that’s been nagging you.