
Are there any video sources that you enjoy accessing that we're missing here? What about Youtube Channels and speakers from your home country? Share the sources you like, whether in English or another language, with us by emailing Chrispine at crl2 (at) williams (dot) edu, and we'll put them up here.

Our Latest Recommendations

Video: Esther Duflo On Female Leadership

“Women in Economics and Female Leadership” Video interviewing Esther Duflo VoxDev Video VoxDev sat down with Esther Duflo to talk about her research in female leadership, and the impact on communities where women were required to assume leadership positions. Her conclusion: when women are included in decision-making, groups benefit. View the video on VoxDev…

VoxDev Video: “Bringing Research to Policy”

Sebastian Galiani of the University of Maryland is currently Deputy Minister at the Argentinian Treasury. Here he talks about the links between academia and policy.

Online learning: “Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems”

This online course, taught by Raj Chetty, discusses using big data to solve economic problems. It’s targeted at someone without a background in economics or statistics, and is offered through Opportunity Insights in collaboration with Harvard University

“The great lockdown through the global lens of the IMF”, webinar video from Princeton

In this webinar from Princeton, Chief Economist of the IMF Gina Gopinath discusses what the lockdown looks like from the perspective of the IMF.

Recorded Webinar: The Economic Implications of Covid-19 with Raghuram Rajan

Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance hosted Raghuram Rajan on Friday, July 24st for a discussion of the economic implications of Covid-19. Princeton’s BCF is running webinars on the evolving Covid crisis, and putting up its archives online, so check out their website to register for upcoming webinars.

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