Podcast: “Multinational Enforcement of Labor Laws”

In this VoxDev talks, Laura Boudreau from Columbia Business School talks about a recent experiment she ran in Bangladesh with multinational buyers in the garment sector and how their involvement changed compliance with safety regulations on the part of Bangladeshi suppliers.

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Podcast: “The Gap Between Macro Policy and Research”

VoxDev interviewed Bill Easterly of the NYU Development Research Institute about the direction development research has taken: has micro taken over? How should development economists think about macro research, and about translating that research into policy?

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VoxDev Podcast: Backlash Against Globalization

VoxDev talked with Pinelopi Goldberg, the current Chief Economist at the World Bank, about current trends and the backlash against globalization. To listen on the go, download the audio here through VoxDev.

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