Education Research
Full Article: “Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities”
This paper on the effects of deworming treatments on children in Kenya, by Michael Kremer and Edward Miguel, was one of the pioneers in the use of randomized controlled trials at a scale of interest and with implications for cash-strapped governments.
Read MoreAudio: “The Power of Parents in Accelerating Global Education Progress”
In this Brookings Cafeteria Podcast, guest Rebecca Winthrop of the Center for Universal Education interviews a several educators with various experiences on how parental engagement and attitudes affect education for their children.
Read MoreBook: The Elusive Quest for Growth
In this 2002 book assigned as reading for a CDE course on growth and development, William Easterly picks apart many of the common arguments of “what causes growth?” He brings insightful, hard economics arguments and a careful reading of the research to a perspective that clearly has plenty on-the-ground nous, making for a quick and enjoyable read.
Read MoreCourse Text: “Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia”
Excerpts from this article have been assigned as required reading for a core CDE course, “Public Economics.”
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