Announcement: CDE Webinars are Coming, Sign Up Now!

The CDE is proud to announce the commencement in September of our very own online courses and webinar series! The webinar series, Finance in a Time of Covid will be run by Prof. Caprio and feature distinguished economists discussing a variety of financial-sector issues. Short courses in debt sustainability and capital flows management, exclusively for CDE alumni, will be run by Prof. Montiel. Click here to learn more information, and don’t forget to share with your friends and classmates about this opportunity.

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Prof. Bakija recommends this book: Economics in the Age of Covid-19

This book on the economic impacts of Covid-19, by Joshua Gans, is a work in progress. The book will evolve as our knowledge about the virus and our reactions to it change. Despite the ongoing nature of the project, the MIT Press has opened up access to an early version to facilitate the flow of knowledge and sharing of information during these unusual times.

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Prof. Godlonton Recommends: Request for Exploratory Research Grants

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries has put out a request for proposals for 12-month research grants. They particularly encourage proposals using administrative data. The deadline is June 30th, so get your materials ready if you’d like to request for some funds to work on that question that’s been nagging you.

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