Data, Stata, and Other Resources from the Williams Economics Department

Williams Economics Department Resources

The Williams Economics Department website resource listing is pretty comprehensive. We’ll be parsing through the recommendations a little more gradually and organizing them by content area, but here’s a list so you have an idea of what’s there.

The department website includes several sets of resources:

  1. Guides for Stata, from beginning tutorials to cheat sheets to more advanced coding
  2. Links to blogs recommended by the department
  3. Recommendations in working with Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  4. A comprehensive source called “Resources for Economists on the Internet” sponsored by the American Economic Review
  5. Resources for searching for research articles on your own
  6. A guide to how to think about writing code by Matthew Gentzow (NBER) and Jesse M. Schapiro (Harvard).
  7. Data on developing countries
  8. Population, health and environmental data, some in the US, some worldwide
  9. Data directories and information about what Williams access gives you
  10. Data on finance and business, such as data on the stock market and mutual funds
  11. Data relevant to economic history
  12. Data on education
  13. Data on the US:
    1. Some US data sources at the national and state level; US census data; household-level surveys for the US
    2. Tax data, mostly for the US but also for some other countries
    3. Housing data for the US
    4. Data on law and justice, mostly for the US