Data, Stata, and Other Resources from the Williams Economics Department
Williams Economics Department Resources
The Williams Economics Department website resource listing is pretty comprehensive. We’ll be parsing through the recommendations a little more gradually and organizing them by content area, but here’s a list so you have an idea of what’s there.
The department website includes several sets of resources:
- Guides for Stata, from beginning tutorials to cheat sheets to more advanced coding
- Links to blogs recommended by the department
- Recommendations in working with Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- A comprehensive source called “Resources for Economists on the Internet” sponsored by the American Economic Review
- Resources for searching for research articles on your own
- A guide to how to think about writing code by Matthew Gentzow (NBER) and Jesse M. Schapiro (Harvard).
- Data on developing countries
- Population, health and environmental data, some in the US, some worldwide
- Data directories and information about what Williams access gives you
- Data on finance and business, such as data on the stock market and mutual funds
- Data relevant to economic history
- Data on education
- Data on the US:
- Some US data sources at the national and state level; US census data; household-level surveys for the US
- Tax data, mostly for the US but also for some other countries
- Housing data for the US
- Data on law and justice, mostly for the US