Here is a short summary on this opportunity from J-PAL's website

  1. J-PAL affiliates and DigiFI invited researchers are invited to apply for proposal development grants, pilot and full RCT funding

J-PAL affiliates and DigiFI invited researchers are invited to apply for the following funding opportunities: Proposal development grants (up to $10,000), pilot grants (up to $75,000), and full RCT grants (up to $400,000). DigiFI also offers funding for high-frequency monitoring systems (up to $75 000). For more information, please visit our webpage. The proposal application process for the rolling funding cycle consists of two stages: 

    • Stage 1: Please fill out the pre-proposal form. We will respond to that within 3 weeks and let you know if you should submit a proposal.

    • Stage 2: On receiving a positive response to the pre-proposal form from the DigiFI team, please fill out the DigiFI Application. We aim to respond to your proposal within 4 weeks after this submission


  1. African scholars and PhD students are eligible to apply for proposal development grants and pilot funding

For more information on this funding opportunity, please visit this link.