
Welcome to our virtual bulletin board, where we share the latest announcements on things such as how our alumni are doing, opportunities, really important news or research, free stuff, and what's going on with us in Williamstown.

Let us know if you have any announcements to share by emailing Chrispine at crl2 (at) williams (dot) edu, and we'll put them up!

Events, Opportunities, and Resources


Prof. Caprio recommends this book: Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development

For those interested in RCTs, this Oxford University Press book looks like a must read. It explores the types of questions that can and cannot be answered by RCTs and the ways in which one can employ it in the field to answer numerous kinds of questions.

Announcement: CDE Webinars are Coming, Sign Up Now!

The CDE is proud to announce the commencement in September of our very own online courses and webinar series! The webinar series, Finance in a Time of Covid will be run by Prof. Caprio and feature distinguished economists discussing a variety of financial-sector issues. Short courses in debt sustainability and capital flows management, exclusively for CDE alumni, will be run by Prof. Montiel. Click here to learn more information, and don’t forget to share with your friends and classmates about this opportunity.

Announcement: IDEAS Calendar of Virtual Webinars in Development

IDEAS is hosting a calendar of all the webinars they can find related to development. Check back often if you have some time and want to learn something new!

Recorded Webinar: The Economic Implications of Covid-19 with Raghuram Rajan

Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance hosted Raghuram Rajan on Friday, July 24st for a discussion of the economic implications of Covid-19. Princeton’s BCF is running webinars on the evolving Covid crisis, and putting up its archives online, so check out their website to register for upcoming webinars.

Prof. Bakija recommends this book: Economics in the Age of Covid-19

This book on the economic impacts of Covid-19, by Joshua Gans, is a work in progress. The book will evolve as our knowledge about the virus and our reactions to it change. Despite the ongoing nature of the project, the MIT Press has opened up access to an early version to facilitate the flow of knowledge and sharing of information during these unusual times.