Category Archives: Journals by asst25

Headed Back to Campus

As the MTR doors slide open to reveal the Kowloon station, I breathe a sigh of relief that, rather than head into the challenge and necessary adaptation of an unknown space, we are making our way slowly, or, from a … Continue reading

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13: playing for thrills

The kind of love that can be successfully commercialized must contain some element of danger: a woman’s ruined reputation, a confession spoken too precariously, a fallen city. Liusu is a natural gambler in the sense that the fulfillment she derives … Continue reading

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Love, Falling Cities, and Horses

Today in class we spoke about a topic that many of us have already been discussing amongst ourselves, even before this morning’s lecture. It’s really quite a fascinating topic for discussion, partly because I think it’s something that is extremely … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on Love, Falling Cities, and Horses

17.1.2018 Today’s class discussion revolved around Hong Kong Literature and the novella “Love in a Fallen City” by Eileen Chung. Yu Laoshi explained how Hong Kong used to be known as a “literary desert” before Hong Kongers search and reclaimed … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 17.1.2018

Settled In

Today’s lecture centered around Hong Kong’s literary tradition, questions on relationships, identity, and much more. After discussion, my learning buddy and I went for sushi downtown. The experience was pretty cool, the sushi shot out on a conveyer belt that … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on Settled In

Day 13

“Look how much we won from betting on horses!!” said Konnor and RB elatedly as they ran up to us waving a stack of large bills. It appeared that for them, luck was indeed a lady, and the Happy valley … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on Day 13


Another day, another lecture, another trip – today in class we talked about Hong Kong’s literature, and discussed Eileen Chang’s Love in a Fallen City. These past two classes have been a sharp reminder that I haven’t taken English since … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/17/18

Jan. 17, 2018: Eileen Chang and HKU

The morning discussions were centered around Eileen Chang’s 張愛玲 classic “Love in a Fallen City” 傾城之戀, a story set in 1940’s Hong Kong. The learning buddies also discussed the difficult topic of “love.” In the afternoon, no students signed up for … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on Jan. 17, 2018: Eileen Chang and HKU

12: my favourite taste is sweet

Sugar cane tastes much sweeter than I can recall, so I suppose it’s alright that my right cheek has been aching all day. The lady who sold me the purple stems sliced them with such finesse that, for a brief … Continue reading

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January 16th, 2018

Today’s class surrounded a topic near and dear to my heart–food! I felt especially close to this topic because I think food is a good indicator of many different cultures, especially since I was raised with corn tortillas and my … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on January 16th, 2018