Love, Falling Cities, and Horses

Today in class we spoke about a topic that many of us have already been discussing amongst ourselves, even before this morning’s lecture. It’s really quite a fascinating topic for discussion, partly because I think it’s something that is extremely difficult to cover and explain into simple terms. It involves more of feelings and gestures than that of words. Even though I knew that every person has their own way of showing love and affection, it still took me by surprise when Yu laoshi explained to us her culture’s way of expressing love. During discussion, I liked a point that RB made, which described why a lot of us from the U.S. went on to define their own way of showing love instead of explaining a particular one. It may be because there isn’t really one particular way that defines Americans’ ways and is, instead, heavily defined by the individual.

After this, a group of us stayed home and got caught up on some work. I may have also slipped in a nap while at home. Afterwards, we made our way to Causeway Bay into the Hysan Mall where my absolute favorite food court restaurant lives. I was so happy to see that it was a success with many since I, myself, loved that place. After dinner, we went to the horse racing area and managed to see a couple of races. Konnor and RB thoroughly fooled us, thinking that they won more money than they actually did. (Like $2 HKD) Still, it was quite an area of wealth since it was a large portion of foreigners in extremely nice suits. I enjoyed watching the races close up, since I hadn’t seen one before. After that, some of us got some ice creams and then we made our way back home. Another really good day.

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