

By Jay Schroeter | April 5, 2023 | Comments Off on Untitled

“When you my Friend are passing by And this Inform  you where I ly Remember you er’e long                                                must have Like me a Mansion in the Grave”           … Continue reading “Untitled”

Longing for Legacy

By Andrew Nachamkin | March 9, 2023 | Comments Off on Longing for Legacy

“But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.” – Philippians 3:7 Over the summer, I finally watched Breaking Bad and was blown away by the show’s climactic moments that portray our society’s struggles of violence, greed, and pride. However, there’s one quieter scene that has kept bouncing around … Continue reading “Longing for Legacy”

Esse Amanda

By Sarah Ling | March 1, 2023 | Comments Off on Esse Amanda

NON INIUSSA CANO   —ECLOGA VI:IX [1] The breeze told me that our names serve as prophecy. And if a request could have floated from my preformed lips up to my mother’s hopes:            amanda I would say            amanda I cry   As for my mom, … Continue reading “Esse Amanda”

A Terrifying Love

By Jay Schroeter | September 18, 2021 | 1 Comment

  In the name of the Father Holy                      Amen                       Spirit, and the Son and the Menōn, I have been meaning to talk to you about this for a while, but I’m not sure how … Continue reading “A Terrifying Love”

On the Fear of the Lord

By Fang Zheng Andre Hui | August 20, 2021 | Comments Off on On the Fear of the Lord

  “Fear” is not a word I had instinctively associated with any person of the Trinity (God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). How could a feeling that lends itself to an aversion toward its object be something that I feel toward God? I trust God the Father on a cognitive and affective level; I … Continue reading “On the Fear of the Lord”


By Samuel Ojo | August 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Bittersweet

Untitled, 2020, digital photograph, 3712 x 5568. Shutter speed 1/160, F4.0, ISO 5000.  Untitled, 2020, digital photograph, 4000 x 6000. Shutter speed 1/320, F5.0, ISO 8000. Oluwadamilare, 2020, digital photograph, 5324 x 4000. Shutter speed 1/125, F5.0, ISO 5000. Nigerian culture has been on a rise worldwide. While everyone wants to enjoy the music, clothing, … Continue reading “Bittersweet”

Dealing with Doubt

By Andrew Nachamkin | August 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Dealing with Doubt

“And have mercy on those who doubt.” – Jude 22 I’ll never forget the first time I seriously questioned my faith. I was thirteen, sitting in the back of a Christmas Eve service, and as I looked up at the church ceiling, I thought, “How do I know this isn’t all made up?” Feeling the … Continue reading “Dealing with Doubt”

Death is a Gardener

By Rebecca Park | August 10, 2021 | Comments Off on Death is a Gardener

Questions for Journal Reflection: Many of us have experienced the global trauma of the pandemic as a numbness. How does or doesn’t this resonate with you? Travel through any guilt you may be experiencing in response to this. Where does the pressure to respond in particular ways stem from for you? What memories of death … Continue reading “Death is a Gardener”

Reflections Amidst COVID-19

By Fang Zheng Andre Hui | August 8, 2021 | Comments Off on Reflections Amidst COVID-19

Christie Yang I originally wrote this poem in the midst of midterms during the spring semester of my freshman year. I was procrastinating my studies, and I was tired, stressed, and pressured by comparison and competition. My greatest fear was failing to meet my own standards and those of the world, as well as disappointing … Continue reading “Reflections Amidst COVID-19”


By Eugene Amankwah | July 29, 2021 | Comments Off on Yet

Life is difficult Fears can get in our way, yet God delivers us Fear is one feeling that is universal for human beings. Everyone – no matter how young or old, rich or poor – fears something. Rational fears are usually good, as they tend to keep us from doing things that may put us … Continue reading “Yet”