Chemical genetic approaches for the elucidation of signaling pathways

Genomics has been pivotal in medical research – transgenic animal models have provided researchers with useful disease models; genetic screening has helped doctors diagnose patients; and, genomics has paved the way for advances in cancer research.

Genomics, however, has some drawbacks that make chemical genetics and the use of small molecules in biomedical research extremely important, especially in the areas of cancer research.

Read this paper to learn more about the burgeoning field of chemical genetics:

Chemical genetic approaches for the elucidation of signaling


Daniel Gilbert on the Psychology of Happiness: What is Happiness?

Daniel Gilbert, a psychologist at Harvard University, explains the difference between synthetic and natural happiness, and explores what it means to be happy. The unexpected joy of being stuck and of having few choices is an illuminating insight that challenges capitalist ideology on happiness as an accumulation of wealth and ever increasing options. Perhaps dearth is just as satisfying, Daniel Gilbert suggests after conducting extensive studies on amnesiac patients and average people.

Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl

“Adipocytes store excess energy in the form of triglycerides and signal the levels of stored energy to the brain.” A recent studies shows  “that adipocyte-specific deletion of Arntl (also known as Bmal1), a gene encoding a core molecular clock component, results in obesity in mice with a shift in the diurnal rhythm of food intake, a result that is not seen when the gene is disrupted in hepatocytes or pancreatic islets.”

“Previous studies have shown that dysregulation of the feeding rhythm without an increase in total food intake can lead to obesity in rodents.”

Click here to read the article

There was a tutorial last semester on molecular clocks. This is certainly a great read (or a leisurely perusal) if you are interested in molecular clocks and their impact on our health.