Karen Kwitter photograph

Ebenezer Fitch Professor of Astronomy, Emerita
Williams College
Williamstown, MA 01267


Office: 204 TPL
Phone: 413-597-2272
FAX: 413-597-3200
email: kkwitter-at-williams.edu


Wellesley College – BA in Astronomy and Physics (with honors)
UCLA – MA, PhD in Astronomy




Most Recent
On the Computation of Interstellar Extinction in Photoionized Nebulae, C. Morisset, R.L.M. Corradi, J. García-Rojas, A. Mampaso, D. Jones, K.B. Kwitter, L. Magrini, & E. Villaver, Astron. & Astrophys., 674, L6, 2023

 Planetary Nebulae as Tools for Astrophysics, a Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences Topic, co-edited by Kwitter

Planetary Nebulae: Sources of Enlightenment, an invited review/tutorial by Kwitter & Henry. This was the second most downloaded PASP paper in 2022, and to date has been downloaded more than 4000 times.

Kwitter & Henry planetary nebula analysis results available online.

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Header Images: Ring Nebula slitless spectrum (extracted from Image of M57, the Ring Nebula, taken by the 2006 NOAO REU students under supervision of Dr. Steve Howell); NGC 2440 slit spectrum (laserstars.org)

last updated 7/16/24