You, sitting there at your computer: You should be racing cyclocross!

It is almost September, which means several things:

  1. It’s school time for all y’all heading back to Billsville.  Which feels totally weird for me, because I still have around a month until I fly over to the old country for my year of school.
  2. It’s almost fall, which means…cyclocross (and pretty leaves and pumpkin flavored beer, which I recommend you try once and then avoid).

Now, I know that in the last few years the team has basically only existed in the spring, but, seeing as we just bought a team cyclocross bike, I want to see evidence of at least one of you subjecting yourself to the exquisite agony that is cross.  I write this after having just completed my very first CX race.  It was awesome.  And it was painful.  Considering that my summer riding has steered far, far, away from anything remotely resembling organized training, and that I’ve mainly been doing long, easy rides, and that I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve ridden a bike off road, I shouldn’t have expected anything else.  Anyway, I ended up 20th out of 37 in the Cat  4’s, so I’ve definitely got some work to do.  A picture or two might find its way onto the Facebook page (mostly because I want to show off my new bike).


P.S. Considering that I’m going to be abroad this year, I removed myself as admin from the Facebook page.  Hopefully this was make it slightly clearer who is posting things on that page.

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