Suicide Prevention

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, seek help now!
For emergencies, call 911 or Campus Safety and Security’s emergency line. Note that this is an EMERGENCY number — 413.458.5646.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline — 1-800-273-8255
Schedule an appointment with Psych Services immediately — 413-597-2353. 



Suicide is a delicate and underly-discussed issue that affects college students of every background. Often, we avoid talking about suicide or suicidal feelings in an effort to make the pain acknowledgment brings — to students, to families and to communities — disappear. The best way to prevent suicide, however, is to TALK about how suicide affects our lives and our society. 

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students ( 1,100 college students commit suicide each year (

If you are feeling depressed, then please get help. And do so now.

It is a serious mistake to believe that you can manage depression on your own. You cannot treat any other illness by yourself, so why would you think that you could do so with depression? Maybe you need to learn more about depression and suidide. is a great place to start. Read as much as possible, and if you think that you need help, then get it right away.

Again, if you feel depressed, please get help immediately. Your “blues” may not seem like a big deal now, but depression can worsen, and quickly cause suicidal feelings. If you are depressed, make appointments to see a doctor and a therapist.

If you are low on funds, try to find a low-cost clinic. You can call 1-800-SUICIDE for referrals.

Please get help when you need it. And remember that it is a sign of strength to reach out for help.

Also, there is an extensive list of suicide hotlines on this website. Remember, you are never alone. Pick up the phone and talk to someone.

  • For more information, visit this page on