Category Archives: kyoto-2018

Meeting Yukei Isobe, the Zen Master

Our day started at 10am for some of us (like me). It started around 6:30am for the others—I guess they were either jetlagged or incredibly excited for their first day in Kyoto! I started the day with a quick breakfast … Continue reading

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What is Kokoro?

Due to an erratic sleep schedule I awoke pretty early, and was able to get ready and dress to leave around 6:00AM. It was nippy, but beautiful to stroll around the area watching the city awaken. I was also able … Continue reading

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Day One: Kokoro

Today was quite the eventful day in Kyoto, a city that I grow fonder of with every step taken. Jet lag had me awake at 5 AM and out the door by 6, after which Leah, Franky, Joanne, and I … Continue reading

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Getting to the kokoro of the matter

Hello all! Today was our first full day in Kyoto — and we enjoyed every minute of it! The day began with breakfast in the hostel — the green tea bread was really good! After we’d eaten, we left to … Continue reading

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Kyoto Day 1: Isobe Yukei and Zazen

This afternoon we went to meet the Zen priest Isobe Yukei (Kei-san). Kei-san is the priest at Taikō-an, a subtemple of Tōfuku-ji. He spoke about the origins of zazen and gave a kōan, and then we sat zazen. At the … Continue reading

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Day 1 – Interviewing Yukei Isobe (Kei-san)

The main event for the course today was arriving at Tofuku-ji, where we received a brief lecture on Zen and sat zazen with Kei-san.  The temple was cold, perhaps even colder than the weather outside.  The room where we meditated … Continue reading

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First day in Kyoto!

Today was my first day in Kyoto, and I am glad that I woke up on time. I also seem to have no jet lag at all, despite Kyoto being 14 hours ahead of Williamstown. We left Piece hostel at … Continue reading

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We made it!

Well, I suppose it’s tomorrow somewhere. I had an extra second while waiting for a meeting tonight, so I figured I’d finish reflecting back on the rest of the day. At the airport in Tokyo the gate that we were … Continue reading

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What am I?

Not to be too dramatic, but today, I had a bit of a life changing experience. The main activity for the day was going to Tofukuji Taikoin, where we met with Kei-san, who is a Zen priest. We settled down … Continue reading

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First Night in Kyoto

After spending an entire day travelling, we’ve arrived! The flight from New York to Tokyo was a notable experience. I’ve never been in a plane that long,  however the large selection of movies provided kept me busy throughout the flight. … Continue reading

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