
Postcard 1: Map of the Federated States of Micronesia

When I searched “The Map of Federated States of Micronesia” on Google Images, this is the first image that appeared. The map was created by an individual who chose to create the different lines and the shades of colors, which make it seem like the four different states within the Federated States of Micronesia are united. In reality, the Federated States of Micronesia is a conglomeration of four states which extends over 1,800 miles in latitude across the Pacific Ocean. The states are not united or cohesive; rather, they are disjointed as each has their own unique culture, language, traditions, etc. My third postcard offers an image of the actual map of the Federated States of Micronesia on the battleship board game. 


“Federated States of Micronesia.” VectorStock.

Postcard 2: The Sovereignty Trap

The postcard describes how Chuuk faces a sovereignty trap. No matter which path it takes—if it secedes or not—it ends up in the same place. If Chuuk decides to secede, Chuukese people lose their rights and privileges from the Compact of Free Association. This would make those who currently have liminal rights (having some of the rights of a citizen like the freedom to work in the U.S. and raise a family) be in a truly liminal status as they are subject to deportation to Chuuk, which is in an impoverished state. If Chuuk decides to remain in America, the Chuukese still are subject to deportation because they are not offered a true path to citizenship. Their status as “guests” in America means they will continue to face stereotypes and discrimination. As Chuuk is not independent, it continues to be controlled by foreign powers and the Compact. In turn, Chuuk is caught as a nowhere within a nowhere.


“Vector Conceptual Business Illustration.” PIXTA.

Postcard 3: Political Cartoon of Chuuk & FSM

My third postcard is this political cartoon which shows how the United States and China are using Chuuk (approx. circled) and Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) like pieces on a battleship board game to advance their own geopolitics. FSM is a sea of islands used in the Pacific for strategic military bases, as can be seen with US ships entering the board.  The dots on the board represent the actual physical map of FSM, depicting how Chuuk is among a conglomeration of many dispersed islands with marginal commonality.  


Jansen, Chiu-Ti. “Donald Trump’s ‘soybean solution’ to the US-China trade war is much ado about nothing.” South China Morning Post, December 18, 2019.