
MSJ2A-3-19-1/motul:97 || Outcurved dish/bowl. Pink slip. Possible Red Background Polychrome. Two gods killing Shark.

MSJ2A-3-19-1/motul:97 || Outcurved dish/bowl. Pink slip. Possible Red Background Polychrome. Two gods killing Shark.

Vessel 8: outcurved dish/bowl; exterior with two gods spearing and killing the monstrous shark Xook under water; the gods may be the Hero Twins or other gods (Chaak/Storm God on the left of scene; Wind God(?) on the right of the scene). Maya Motul de San Jose collection of whole and partial polychrome vessels of Late Classic period. Outcurved dish/bowl. Pink slip. Possible Red Background Polychrome. Two gods killing Shark. Object,MSJ2A: Large horizontal excavation of palace and of dense midden in Court #4 of Group C Acropolis. This is a sub-royal elite Str. 8L-9. The palace may have been the residence of the royal scribe who painted the Ik Style Polychromes. The midden in units 3,5,40,41,42 included tools and wasters from the pottery production process, as well as hundreds of potsherds and other remains from domestic activity, as well as textile, figurine, and jewelry manufacture.