MSJ1A: Small test units in Group C Acropolis elite Str. 8M-6
MSJ2A: Large horizontal excavation of palace and of dense midden in Court #4 of Group C Acropolis. This is a sub-royal elite Str. 8L-9. The palace may have been the residence of the royal scribe who painted the Ik Style Polychromes. The midden in units 3,5,40,41,42 included tools and wasters from the pottery production process, as well as hundreds of potsherds and other remains from domestic activity, as well as textile, figurine, and jewelry manufacture.
MSJ2B: Small test units behind another structure in Group C Acropolis to the west of MSJ2A. Midden materials were found here, but not well preserved.
MSJ3A: Horizontal excavations around Stela 6 discovered in front of the South Pyramid in the Main Plaza or Plaza I of Group C
MSJ4A: Two units in front of the East Twin Pyramids in the Main Plaza or Plaza I of Group C
MSJ5A: One test unit in Courtyard #1 of Acropolis of Group C
MSJ6A: One test unit in Courtyard #2 of Acropolis of Group C
MSJ7A: Plaza test pits in Group 8K2 in (major) Gr. B
MSJ7B: Plaza test pits in Group 9K4 in (major) Gr. B
MSJ8A: Test units around north structure of Group 7J2 (aka Gr. A)
MSJ8B: Test units around west structure of Group 7J2 (aka Gr.A)
MSJ8C: Shovel tests behind east structure of Group 7J2
MSJ8D: Shovel tests along south edge of the plaza of Group 7J2. One unit 8D-15 produced a midden.
MSJ8E: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 7J2
MSJ8F: Shovel tests at the corner of west and north structures of Group 7J2
MSJ8G: shovel tests and units behind north structure of Group 7J2
MSJ9A: Test units in the pyramid plaza of Group 7J1 (aka Gr. A)
MSJ9B: Test unit behind the pyramid of Group 7J1 (aka Gr. A)
MSJ9C: Shovel tests and units around north structure of Group 7J1 (aka Gr. A)
MSJ9D: Shovel tests along the north plaza edge of Group 7J1
MSJ10A: Test units around south main structure of Group 7J4. These revealed deep occupation into the Middle Preclassic (600-300 B.C.)
MSJ10B: Shovel tests behind south structure of Group 7J4
MSJ10C: Shovel tests between Group 7J4 and its neighbor to the north Group 7J3
MSJ10D: Shovel tests behind west structure of the Group 7J4. Units 6,8, and 20 uncovered a midden.
MSJ11A: Test unit between South Pyramid and Stela 2 in Group 7K1 (aka Group B)
MSJ12A: Test units in front and behind south structure of Group 8K5 (aka Group B)
MSJ12B: Shovel tests behind south structure of Group 8K5 (aka Grouip B). Unit 12B-18 produced a midden.
MSJ12C: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 8K5 (aka Group B)
MSJ12D: Shovel tests along the north edge of the plaza of Group 8K5 (aka Group B)
MSJ13A: Small scale units in plaza around south structure of minor Group 6K1 in Gr. A at southwest corner of Motul
MSJ13B: Shovel tests between the south and east structures of minor Group 6K1 in Gr. A at southwest corner of Motul
MSJ13C: Shovel tests behind south structure of minor Group 6K1 in Gr. A at southwest corner of Motul
MSJ14A: Test units in plaza of Group 8K6 in Group B. Unit 14A-1 revealed a midden.
MSJ14B: Shovel tests behind east structures of Group 8K6 in Group B
MSJ14C: Shovel tests behind east structures of Group 8K6 in Group B
MSJ15A: Large-scale horizontal excavations of this royal compound, covering west and south palaces and several units in the plaza of Group 8M7 (aka Group D)
MSJ15B: Two tests pits on platform attached to the southwest coner of Gr. D; and another pit in the Main Plaza (Plaza I of Group C) directly south of Gr. D
MSJ15C: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 8M7 (aka Gr. D)
MSJ15D: Shovel tests behind north structure of Group 8M7 (aka Gr. D)
MSJ15E: Shovel tests north of the east pyramid in Group 8M7 (aka Gr. D)
MSJ15F: Cleaning of the looter’s trench and looted royal tomb in the east pyramid of Group 8M7 (aka Gr. D)
MSJ16A: Test unit in small south plaza of minor Group 6K1 in Gr. A at the southwest corner of Motul
MSJ16B: Shovel tests along the east side of west structure of minor Group 6K1 in Gr. A at the southwest corner of Motul
MSJ17A: Shovel tests behind south structure of minor Group 8M5 directly west of Gr. D
MSJ17B: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 8M5 directly west of Gr. D
MSJ17C: Test units in plaza and behind main west structure of Group 8M5 directly west of Gr. D
MSJ17D: Shovel tests along the north edge of the plaza of Group 8M5 directly west of Gr. D. Unit 17D-16 and 17 discovered a high density midden.
MSJ18A: Shovel tests behind west structure of minor Group 8M4 in Gr. C
MSJ18B: Shovel tests behind east structure of minor Group 8M4 in Gr. C
MSJ19A: Shovel tests behind north structure of minor Group 8L1 in Gr. C. These tests found medium density refuse.
MSJ19B: Shovel tests behind west structure of minor Group 8L1 in Gr. C
MSJ19C: Test pit in plaza of minor Group 8L1 in Gr. C
MSJ20A: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 9L6 in Gr. E/B
MSJ20B: shovel tests behind east structure of Group 9L6 in Gr. E/B
MSJ20C: Test unit in plaza of Group 9L6 in Gr. E/B
MSJ20D: Shovel tests at east edge of plaza of Group 9L3 in Gr. E/B
MSJ20E: Shovel tests behind north structure of Group 9L3 in Gr. E/B
MSJ20F: Shovel tests along the south edge of plaza of Group 9L6 in Gr. E/B. Unit 20F-3 revealed a low density midden, while units 11 and 12 found a high density refuse.
MSJ20G: Shovel tests behind the north structure of Group 9L6
MSJ21A: Test pit in a possible quarry/depression east of the major north pyramid of Group E.
MSJ22A: Shovel tests south of structure of minor Group 9L5 in Gr. E/B
MSJ22B: Shovel tets north of structure of minor Group 9L5 in Gr. E/B
MSJ23A: Shovel tests behind east structure of minor Group 9M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ23B: Shovel tests behind north structure of minor Group 9M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ23C: Shovel tests behind west structure of minor Group 9M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ23D: Test unit in plaza of minor Group 9M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ23E: Shovel tests along the south edge of plaza of minor Group 9M3 in North Zone of Motul. Units 23E-6,12, and 13 identified a medium-density midden.
MSJ24A: Shovel tests and one test unit east of central structure of minor Group 9M2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ24B: Test unit on the west side of central structure of minor Group 9M2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ25A: Shovel tests west of west structure of minor Group 9M2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ26A: Shovel tests behind southeast structure of Group 10L3 in North Zone of Motul. A large and deep looter’s trench in the adjacent structure had uncovered a substantial 1-2m structural wall. We partially backfilled the trench to preserve the wall.
MSJ26B: Shovel tests along the south edge of Group 10L3 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ26C: Shovel tests along the north edge of the plaza of Group 10L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ26D: Shovel tests along the east edge of adjacent Groups 10L3 and 10L2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ27A: Test pit in plaza of minor Group 7K2 in Gr. A at the southwest corner of Motul
MSJ27B: Shovel tests behind east structure of Group 7K2 in Gr. A at the southwest corner of Motul
MSJ27C: Shovel tests south of east structure of Group 7K2 in Gr. A at the southwest corner of Motul
MSJ28A: Test unit between Groups A and B, testing whether large rocks on the surface were part of a fragmented stela. Unfortunately, they were a bedrock outcrop.
MSJ29A: Shovel tests behind east structure of the southern patio of Group 8L2 in Group E/B
MSJ29B: Shovel tests and test unit along the south edge of the south patio of Group 8L2 in Group E/B
MSJ29C: Shovel tests and test unit behind east structures of Group 8L2 in Group E/B. Unit 29C-16 found a midden.
MSJ29D: Test pit in southern patio of Group 8L2 in Group E/B
MSJ29E: Test pit in northern patio of Group 8L2 in Group E/B
MSJ29F: Horizontal excavations of the southwest structure on the southern patio of Group 8L2 in Gr. E/B
MSJ29G: Horizontal excavations of the middle structure of Group 8L2 in Group E/B
MSJ30A: Shovel tests along the east edge of Group 9L7 in Gr. E/B, directly north of operation MSJ29. Unit 30A-16 found a midden.
MSJ30B: Test unit in north patio of Group 9L7 in Gr. E/B, directly north of operation MSJ29
MSJ30C: Test unit in south patio of Group 9L7 in Gr. E/B
MSJ30D: Test unit behind the middle of the western structures of Group 9L7 in Gr. E/B
MSJ31A: Horizontal excavations of main southwest structure in Group 11M1 in North Zone of Motul. This structure was heavily looted, and the excavations included cleaning looter’s damage, screening the large looting backdirt piles, and some additional excavations.
MSJ31B: Test unit in middle of south patio of Group 11M1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ31C: Test unit behind the middle of southwest structure of Group 11M1
MSJ31D: Shovel tests along the south edge of the Group 11M1
MSJ31E: Shovel tests along the easte edge of Group 11M1
MSJ31F: Shovel tests along the north edge of the eastern-most structure of Group 11M1
MSJ31G: Shovel tests along the north edge of the small parallel structures in the middle of the Group 11M1
MSJ31H: Two units on Str. 5, the southern of the two parallel structures in Group 11M1. These units found that some chert tool sharpening or manufacture took place here as several flakes could be refit together.
MSJ32A: Shovel tests and two units behind the western structures of Group 8L4 at the southeast edge of Gr. C
MSJ32B: Shovel tests behind north structure of Group 8L4 at the southeast edge of Gr. C
MSJ32C: Shovel tests behind south structure of Group 8L4 at the southeast edge of Gr. C
MSJ32D: Test pit in middle of plaza of Group 8L4 at the southeast edge of Gr. C. Surprisingly, this unit hit four plaza floors and high density refuse in the fill below these floors.
MSJ33A: Test unit in the middle of the patio of Group 8L3 in Group C
MSJ33B: Shovel tests and two units behind west structure of Group 8L3 in Group C. Units 33B-10 and 16 found middens.
MSJ33C: Shovel tests behind north structure of Group 8L3 in Group C.
MSJ33D: Shovel tests behind south structure of Group 8L3 in Group C.
MSJ34A: Shovel tests and two test units behind south structure of Group 8M3 in Group C. Units 34A-11 and 12 found a low density sheet midden.
MSJ34B: Shovel tests behind east structure of Group 8M3 in Gr. C
MSJ35A: Shovel tests and test unit along the south side of the highest structure (Str. 3) in Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35B: Unit in middle of north patio of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35C: Unit in middle of south patio Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35D: Shovel tests along the east side of the southwest structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35E: Shovel tests along the south side of the southwest structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35F: Shovel tests along the west side of the southwest structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35G: Shovel tests along the northwest of the north structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ35H: Shovel tests and test unit along the northeast corner of the north structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul. Unit 35H-4 found a midden.
MSJ35I: Shovel tests behind east structure of Group 12M1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ36A: Test unit behind main structure of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ36B: Test unit in middle of patio of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ36C: Shovel tests along the northwest corner of plaza platform of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ36D: Shovel tests along the south edge of the plaza platform of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ36E: Shovel tests on plaza platform at southwest corner of main structure of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ36F: Two test units against the east or front face of main structure of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul. Significant density of artifacts was found in the wall fall here.
MSJ36G: Shovel tests along the northeast corner of plaza platform of Group 11L1 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ37A: Chultun excavations on the East Transect. Chultun was found covered with a lid with no nearby structures. Location of chultun: 1.625 km east of east edge of MSJ Park, and 14.3 north of main trail of East Transect.
MSJ37B: Chultun excavations within a residential group along the east edge of the MSJ Park.
MSJ38A: Unit behind largest northwest structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38B: Unit in center of plaza of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38C: Shovel tests along the north side of northwest structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38D: Shovel tests and unit behind northwest structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38E: Shovel tests behind west middle structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38F: Shovel tests behind north structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ38G: Shovel tests behind southwest structure of Group 11L2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ39A: Test unit in center of plaza of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ39B: Unit behind largest west structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ39C: Shovel tests and test unit around southwest corner of west structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ39D: Shovel tests behind west structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ39E: Shovel tests along the north corner of west structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ39F: Shovel tests behind or east of southeast structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ39G: Shovel tests behind or east of northeast structure of Group 10M3 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ40A: Shovel tests along the south edge of the only structure in Group 10M2
MSJ41: This operation excavated one test unit in the plaza of each group found along the first kilometer of the East Transect. The suboperation letter matches the letter given to each plaza group identified in the first kilometer. For e.g., MSJ41A is the test unit excavated in the Group E1A (E for East Transect, 1 for the first kilometer, and A for the first group found)
MSJ42A: Test unit in plaza of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul. This group is surprising because despite of its diminutive size, it has a high density of materials and middens.
MSJ42B: Test unit behind or north of the major northwest platform of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ42C: Shovel tests along the west side of the smaller southeast platform of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ42D: Shovel tests along the north and east sides of the northwest larger platform. Units 42D-7 and 8 have high density middens.
MSJ42E: Shovel tests oriented along the southeast edge of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul. Postclassic midden found here suggests that the smaller platform of the group had a Postclassic occupation.
MSJ42F: Shovel tests along the south edge of of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ42G: Test units and shovel tests at the northeast corner of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ42H: Test units on the smaller southern platform 2 of small Group 11N2 in North Zone of Motul
MSJ43A: Test unit in middle of plaza of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ43B: Test unit behind or west of largest east structure of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ43C: Shovel tests against the back platform wall of east structure of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ43D: Shovel tests along the south edge of plaza of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul. Very low density sheet midden.
MSJ43E: Shovel tests to the north of the north structure of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul. Midden at northeast corner of north structure
MSJ43F: Shovel tests to the east of the east structure of Group 11N3 in North Zone of Motul. Few artifacts with a little more at north end of the structure.
MSJ44: This operation excavated one test unit in the plaza of each group found along the second kilometer of the East Transect. The suboperation letter matches the letter given to each plaza group identified in the second kilometer. For e.g., MSJ44A is the test unit excavated in the Group E2A (E for East Transect, 2 for the second kilometer, and A for the first group found). In addition, these structure are part of a village site, called Chakokot, different from Motul de San Jose.
MSJ45A: Test unit to the south of the two structures of minor Group 11N1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ45B: Test unit to the north of the two structures of minor Group 11N1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ45C: Test unit to the north of eastern structure of minor Group 11N1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ45D: Two units at the southeast and southwest coners of the larger western structure of minor Group 11N1 in North Zone of Motul.
MSJ46A: Test units in high elite Group 8L5, and the Plaza II in front of this structure in Acropolis of Gr. C. This operation explores the area directly north of operation MSJ2A. Dense middens were found in the plaza units.
MSJ47A: Test units in possible terraces approx. 2 km north of core of Motul.
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