March 9, 2016 Indonesia Total Solar Eclipse

Our view of the March 9 total solar eclipse (9:55 am local time = 7:55 pm on March 8 in New York) from a 16th-century fort on the south side of Ternate. (The fort was built by the Portuguese in 1504 and rebuilt by the Dutch in 1610; it can be seen as a pentagon in Google Earth on the southeast side of Ternate.) All the eclipse phenomena were visible: diamond ring, Baily's beads, prominences (with a particularly bright prominence at the 9 o'clock position) and the corona, but through thin clouds.

Our view of the March 9 total solar eclipse (9:55 am local time = 7:55 pm on March 8 in New York) from a 16th-century fort on the south side of Ternate. (The fort was built by the Portuguese in 1504 and rebuilt by the Dutch in 1610; it can be seen as a pentagon in Google Earth on the southeast side of Ternate.) All the eclipse phenomena were visible: diamond ring, Baily’s beads, prominences (with a particularly bright prominence at the 9 o’clock position) and the corona, but through thin clouds.

Constantinos Emmandoulidis, processed by Miloslav Druckmüller, from Tidore, Indonesia
Glenn Schneider’s observations from Tidore

Mike Kentrianakis’s video from the Alaskan Airlines flight