Jan. 14, 2018: Williams Reunion at Lingnan

What a special day! A dozen Williams alums who live and work in Hong Kong and Macau came to Lingnan and shared their experiences and wisdom with the students in the joint course. Some of the Lingnan faculty and staff also joined us on this special occasion.

Some of the advice from these alums:

  • embrace serendipity
  • take the opportunity when it comes along
  • keep learning and discovering what interests you
  • take a wide range of courses and be 3-dimensional
  • do something abroad and see how people live and work
  • be ready for the randomness of life and for the trade-offs
  • adapt to the environment (“it is OK if you don’t achieve your original plan”)
  • do not be afraid of reaching out to alums

And last but not least:

  • learn Chinese if you want to work in the Great China region!

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