Author Archives: Robert Smith


Endings are always tough – there’s not much you can say that fees “good enough.” When we said goodbye to the Lingnan professors at lunch today, it was pretty casual – “it was great meeting you, call if you ever … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/25/18


As the we’ve gotten closer to our departure, I’m happy to say that I think my end-of-the-world mentality has somewhat subsided. Maybe it was yesterday’s hike that did it, but I’ve suddenly found myself more accepting of the fact that … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/24/18


When it turned out that everyone else on the trip was too busy to hike Pat Sin Leng today, I wasn’t sure exactly what to do. The idea of doing it all myself was a little daunting, but I had … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/23/18


This morning, Professor Chan had us over for one of the best brunches of my life. We sat and chatted in her spacious top-floor apartment in one of the student hostels, ate our way through a cornucopia of freshly cooked … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/22/18


It’s sort of ironic that our first day entirely off was also our first day of real work. Sure, we’ve had readings and blog posts, but those have been a far cry from the schoolwork we’re used to at Williams. … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/21/18


In contrast with Friday, Saturday was a GO day. We got up early, as we would for class, and headed straight to the border for our class day in Shenzhen. The line was thankfully short, and soon we were touring … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/20/18


Long days can’t keep going forever – every once and while, you need a day off – for me, that day was Friday (two days ago, as I’m writing this – turns out it was a day off from writing … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/19/20


It’s difficult not to make all of these entries sound the same – on one hand each day is new and exciting and different, but on the other, they all follow the same template – interesting lecture, thoughtful discussion, tasty … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/18/18


Another day, another lecture, another trip – today in class we talked about Hong Kong’s literature, and discussed Eileen Chang’s Love in a Fallen City. These past two classes have been a sharp reminder that I haven’t taken English since … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/17/18


Another unexpectedly great day in Hong Kong. After an enticing class about food and a feast of a lunch at a nearby Tea House, we walked a bit around the wet market in Tuen Mun (I don’t think I’ve ever … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/16/18