Archive for 17th June 2022

Lucky 6H at Cape May

Had a lucky 6H on Thursday June 17, 2022, at the festive Father’s Day game at the Cape May County Duplicate Bridge Club of the amazing Karen Sylvester. As North I opened 1H. My partner responded with a game-forcing 2C instead of showing 4-card support by Jacoby 2N or more accurately 3H with this 12-count. We soon arrived at a unpromising 6H. The DK lead gave a glimmer of hope if East also held the SK and I could locate the CQ, now probably with West. After drawing trump and clearing Clubs, I put East in with a Diamond. Afraid of giving up a ruff-discard by leading Clubs or Diamonds, East returned a Spade, giving me the SQ and the slam.