November 9, 2011



Article I: Purpose and Mission Statement


Mission Statement:

Williams African Students Organization (WASO) is a student run organization at Williams College that allows students of African descent and any students/alumni with an interest in issues concerning the African continent to come together and discuss relevant topics. WASO also serves as a medium to sensitize the campus population on the misconceptions about the African continent. We organize events on campus to reach out to the general Williams community, and we strive to create awareness.

Our purpose is two fold:

  1. To raise awareness of the political, economic, social, environmental issues that are relevant to countries in Africa and the African Diasporas. We will accomplish this by doing such things as having benefit dinners, inviting guest speakers, having movie screenings, cooperating with other minority groups on campus, etc.
  2. Allow members of WASO to share their experiences and perspective with one another to create a rich and welcoming atmosphere. This includes providing a mechanism that will enable WASO members to sustain relationships with alumni of Williams College, and providing a support network for WASO members especially freshmen.

Article II: History and Organization Name

The name of our organization is WASO short for Williams African Student association.

(we need more research on the history of WASO)

Article III: Membership

Students become members of WASO by attending five general body meetings within a year.         Members of WASO must be committed to upholding the tenets stated in Article I.  Members are entitled to the following privileges: voting eligibility, holding coordinating positions, and access to the various substantive resources WASO offers. It is not required to be of African descent to be able to join WASO. We welcome all people: students, faculty, and staff without any gender, religion, race, or ethnic preferences.

  1. Voting Procedure

Members who are eligible to vote must choose between a negative, an affirmative, or an abstaining vote.  A simple majority is needed to win.

  1. If there are more abstentions than negative votes but fewer abstentions than affirmative votes, the affirmative vote wins.  Example vote: 11 abstentions, 12 affirmative, and 8 negative
  2. If there are more abstentions than affirmative votes but fewer abstentions than negative votes, the negative vote wins.

Example vote: 12 abstentions, 8 affirmative, 11 negative

  1. If there are more abstentions than either negative or affirmative votes, then there is a vote of no confidence and the debate will re-open.

Article IV: Structure

  1. The Governing Board
    1. A.    There shall be seven board positions in WASO.  These shall be
    2. Chairperson(s) (1 or 2 members)
    3. Treasurer
    4. Secretary
    5. Minority Coalition Representative
    6. Events Coordinator
    7. Historian
      1. B.      Duties and Powers of the Board Members
      2. The governing board shall be the official leading body of WASO,
      3. The governing board shall be responsible for representing the views of WASO  to the administration, faculty, and other organizations when necessary,
      4. The governing board shall be responsible for resolving all disputes concerning the interpretation of this Constitution,
      5. The governing board shall uphold the principles of the mission statement of WASO,
      6. The governing board reserves the right to call meetings of the general body of WASO,
      7. All members of the governing board are required to attend all board and general body meetings.


  1. Duties of Board Members
  2. The Chairperson(s) shall be responsible for
    1. representing  WASO to the community at large,
    2. mediating between WASO and other organizations,
    3. organizing and running meetings of WASO,
    4. delegating authority when deemed necessary,
    5. undertaking a project that is deemed necessary,
    6. maintaining and strengthening alumni relations with the general body of WASO,


  1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for
    1. all the monetary funds received from the college and spent during the academic year,
    2. All financial records and bookkeeping pertaining to the WASO.
    3. serving as a liaison between WASO and the administration, faculty, or any other organization concerning financial issues,
    4. Giving a monthly financial status report to be made available to any member of the general body upon request,
    5. Ensuring that the organization does not engage in deficit spending.

Spending of money is to be approved by the board members.

  1. The Secretary shall be responsible for
    1. recording and keeping all the minutes of the board and general body WASO meetings,
    2. making the minutes available to the general body,
    3. publicizing general body meetings,
    4. organizing and running meetings of WASO when the chairperson(s) is/are absent,
    5. overseeing the WASO listserver,
    6. preserving records, documents, and other materials of historical value for future members of WASO and the MinCo community,
    7. The Minority Coalition Representative shall be responsible for
      1. representing WASO and its interest at meetings of the Minority Coalition,
      2. keeping the general body informed about all the decisions of the Minority Coalition, as they pertain to WASO,
      3. acting as a liaison between the WASO and other minority organizations,
      4. All duties articulated for the Minority Coalition Representative within the Minority Coalition Constitution.
      5. The Events Coordinator(s) shall be responsible for
        1. Non-academic and community events, trips off campus and social gatherings (parties, trips, etc.).
        2. Undertaking any project deemed necessary in pursuit of the above-mentioned goal(s) including advertising.


Article V: Compulsory Events that are held annually


  1. Minco leadership Training: A day-long gathering of all the board members of all the minority groups on campus. It is geared towards training board members (especially treasurers). It helps board members to better understand their position and the resources that are offered by the college and Minco. (All board members should be in attendance)
  2. Purple Key Faire: A huge fair that is held in Town’s field at the beginning of the year that is geared towards freshman. It is a good opportunity to recruit new members.
  3. WASO week: The BIG week. This is when WASO stamps its identity by organizing campus-wide events. Different events are held almost every day of the week and capped by a traditional WASO party and WASO dinner. (Marcella is a good resource in organizing the dinner). WASO week is usually held after spring break.
  4. Minco Fest:  At the end of the school year Minco organizes a gathering in or around Paresky in which all the Minco groups display different things. Music, food, pictures, small artifacts, and anything that represents WASO is fair game.
  5. Board Elections: The incoming board members will be elected after WASO week and they will be active immediately upon election.
  6. Minco Senior Award Ceremony: Minco organizes a brunch/dinner at the end of the year to honor seniors that have contributed to helping push the diversity at Williams.
  7. The Horn: The Horn is magazine that is published by WASO once per school year. A “horn committee” is organized to edit and publish the magazine.