HTA Week 3

Week 3: Zzz. Basically, the philosophy of the HTA curriculum as I understand it is one lesson a day: 1) preview the night prior 2) spend an entire day on 50 vocabulary words and 10 grammar patterns that span 2 or 3 related topics in different styles of learning (lecture, seminar, tutorial) and 3) complete the homework. Altogether this amounts to roughly 10 hours (maybe more) per lesson which definitely becomes exhausting.

Given that the workload remains the same despite the grammar getting harder, my sleep schedule has not improved! Despite the challenging difficulty and the immense fatigue from consistently having to remember little things like the word for a “crisp” pancake, I’ve noticed that in terms of assessments, the program’s expectations are not super high. I think this is nice in terms of offloading some of the pressure, yet at times it feels like I don’t have to try as hard.

Ended up not hiking with the host fam, but next week I’ll be going to Hualian and Taidong for my social studies trip!

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