HTA Week 1

Week 1: Finished! This week was hard. After signing the language pledge, we dove right in! Monday through Thursday we have 5hrs of Chinese class with 2hrs of homework and 3hrs of preparation for the next lesson. Monday through Wednesday we learn 50 new vocabulary words a day with review on Thursday and oral/written exams on Friday. Then we have to develop questions on a topic, interview locals, and write an essay due every Sunday. Then repeat! Most of the vocabulary and grammar patterns were new to me, so it’s a lot but rewarding for sure.

In short, I am exhausted. In addition to the work schedule, we have full day excursions on Saturdays. Although this week the Saturday excursion meant I got to eat 火锅 and create some pottery to take home, it still took away from valuable rest and self-exploration time. I have not yet figured out how to get the most out of the intensive nature of the program, but it’s only week one, so see you next week!

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